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Coaching Goals

Everyone has a different reason for engaging a career coach. Just as your work experience is unique, your objectives in working with a coach are different from other people’s – and you should be treated as an individual, not just another in a line of faceless clients.

The first thing you need to figure out is what you hope to get out of coaching. Are you struggling to land a job in your chosen field? Or are you looking to make a much larger change, and need help picking the right direction that can bring you satisfaction in your career? Knowing your coaching Goal makes it much easier for your coach to help you achieve it!

North Star (career transition)

Starting over is hard to do , especially if you’re moving away from something you know well. Highly personalized coaching can help you take stock of your interests, strengths, and aspirations to discover the direction that aligns with your true calling. Through deliberate consideration and mindful exercises, your coach will help you make the shift toward a fulfilling and purpose-driven career.

Charting (resume and interview prep)

Preparing for job applications and interviews can feel like setting sail into uncharted waters. Whether you’ve been on the market for a year and are having trouble finding a landing spot, or you’re looking to make a splash as you prepare to move on to greener pastures, a career coach can help provide the skills and confidence you need for a smooth journey. From meticulously crafting a resume to showcasing your strengths and experiences – and even researching and preparing for an individual conversation – your coach will help fine-tune your interviewing abilities. Sailing into interviews confident and well-prepared is the best way to secure your desired role.

Navigation (situational assistance)

In the ever-changing sea of professional challenges, you can’t always rely on the stars – sometimes you need an expert navigator. A career coach can act as your compass when you’re facing specific career hurdles; whether it’s a job transition, interpersonal issue, or advancement obstacle, your coach will work with you to plot a course, avoid pitfalls, and steer toward a successful resolution.

Interested in seeing if Career Vision Coaching is the right match for you? Talk to us – no obligation!